75 Beauty Tips Every Girl Should Know

Hello Gorgeous!

How beautiful you look and feel will affect your self-confidence, social interactions, work performance and overall health. While true beauty comes from within, below are 75 important tips you can add into your daily beauty routine to keep yourself healthy–on the inside and the outside.

Beauty Tips

  1. Smile often. A woman is most beautiful when she smiles.
  2. Vitamin C has long been known to prevent aging. Pack your fruit basket with lemons and oranges to look youthful.
  3. Eating guava, carrot, apple and cucumber regularly can prevent yellowing of teeth.
  4. Massage sesame oil on your heels overnight if you have cracked heels.
  5. Strengthen your hair and nails with daily supplementation with vitamin biotin.
  6. Retinoid skin creams used regularly in consultation with skin expert help reduce wrinkles as well as stretch marks.
  7. Exfoliating your facial skin daily with a dry brush can help improve circulation, reduce puffiness and eliminate dead skin.
  8. Cracked heels are mainly because of poor foot hygiene and wearing tight foot wear.
  9. Keep your feet soft and get rid of the cracks by simply wearing cotton socks at night.
  10. Make sure you remove your mascara before going to bed. Allowing it to stay on your lashes can cause them to break.
  11. For lustrous hair, regularly massage your scalp with oil and load up on vegetables and fruits
  12. A healthy diet, exercise and staying hydrated are best for fighting cellulite
  13. Massage some almond oil into your eyelashes each night to help them grow thicker and longer.
  14. Use a wide toothed comb to evenly spread the conditioner through your hair.
  15. To look slimmer in pictures, don’t face the camera head on. Look at it at a three-quarter angle with 1 shoulder facing forward
  16. A brighter blush shade can help you look younger in contrast to a dull shade which can make your face look muddy.
  17. Use a colorless lip balm before putting on lipstick or gloss. It helps provide an even and crack free surface for smoother application.
  18. Fruits and vegetables, soy, cocoa and fish can help you look younger and stay fit as well.
  19. Nail biting can be due to stress and boredom. Get over it with yoga, meditation, deep breathing, or squeezing a stress ball.
  20. Always wash your face after a workout. Sweat can clog pores and worsen acne.
  21. Use lukewarm water while washing your hair. This allows the scalp to retain moisture and prevents hair from looking lifeless.
  22. Apart from being great for your heart, green tea with all its anti-oxidants is superb for your skin
  23. Avocados reduce the damage caused by UV rays and can be used in face masks as well
  24. A ripe papaya left on the skin for 30 minutes help tone up the skin considerably and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.
  25. Overzealous scrubbing of face can make you look older. Make sure you’re gentle.
  26. Having your coffee later in the afternoon rather than first thing in the morning can help you feel fresher through the day.
  27. De-stress daily. It can be the key to a healthier body, skin and hair.
  28. Expressing gratitude for every small thing you have can be a great way to feel good.
  29. Your outlook on life and what you choose to do with it account for 40% of your happiness; this includes friendships and work.
  30. Live with love! 20 minutes of talking and being with your partner daily makes you healthier and happier.
  31. Brush hair from roots to ends nightly. This distributes natural oils throughout the hair shaft and gives hair a healthy sheen.
  32. Treat your eye area gently. This is the most delicate part of your face. Cleanse with care; blot, never rub.
  33. Always use your ring finger to apply moisturizer or concealer to the eye area. It puts the least amount of pressure on the skin.
  34. Don’t touch your face unnecessarily. Breakouts can be caused by your own fingers.
  35. To stop makeup from fading during the day, apply a primer before your foundation.
  36. Get lips soft and smooth by using a damp, warm washcloth at night to rub off the flaky dry bits; follow with a coat of lip balm.
  37. The best time to apply lotion is right after a shower or bath, when skin is still damp.
  38. Beautiful skin starts from within. Include lots of vegetables, fruit and water in your daily diet.
  39. Exfoliate with a body scrub once a week to slough off dead skin cells that make skin look dull. When skin is freshly exfoliated, lotion and oil are better absorbed.
  40. Improve circulation in your legs and lower the risk of unsightly veins by elevating your feet when resting.
  41. Apply polish starting at the pinky, working toward the thumb to avoid dragging your hand across wet nails.
  42. To prevent hair color from fading, use a deep conditioning treatment weekly or bi-monthly.
  43. Make sure you hydrate your skin and put on a face primer
  44. The #1 reason for flaky mascara is that the formula is too dry or old. Make sure to close mascara after use to help keep its moisture.
  45. For clear skin, look for a cleanser with salicylic acid.
  46. Sunscreens that claim to provide “all-day protection” and “water resistance” are not reliable; don’t be fooled by these claims and reapply all sunscreens at least every two to three hours.
  47. When self-tanning, use a tanner with color. It will give you instant color before the effect and it will show you exactly where you put the color and where you may have missed.
  48. For the summer months, you don’t want to be caked down in foundation so try a tinted moisturizer instead.
  49. To make curls last, make sure hair is completely dry before you begin with the curling iron.
  50. Always wash your makeup off before bed. That morning-after look has never been a good one, for anyone.
  51. Always use a moisturizer with SPF in the morning. Even in the winter!
  52. Clean out your makeup bag at least once a year to get rid of old products that may be expired or you no longer use.
  53. Remember, always use clean makeup brushes to fight against potential bacteria and breakouts!
  54. During the summer, wear chapstick or lip gloss with SPF.
  55. Use your concealer as a base on your eyelids.
  56. Exfoliate before applying self tanner to get rid of dead skin. Tanning products tend to cling to drier areas.
  57. To minimize pores, use a pore-minimizing facial wash followed by a toner. Make sure the toner is alcohol-free so it won’t dry out your skin.
  58. The healthier you are, the healthier your hair! Take a daily multivitamin with Biotin to help hair grow.
  59. Get a “dewy glow” using a highlighter or illuminator above your cheekbones and on the brow bone.
  60. To contour cheeks, use a matte powder (a few shades darker than your skin tone) with an angled brush. Blend on temples and under cheekbones.
  61. When using a cream product, lock it in by using a translucent powder over it.
  62. For makeup that lasts all day and night, use a makeup-sealing product/setting spray.
  63. To help you find the right shade of foundation, choose the product you think is closest to your color and try it on your jaw line in natural light. You will be able to easily compare it to your neck’s color to see if you need to go for a different undertone, lighter or darker.
  64. Splurge on items that are important to you. If lip gloss is really your thing and you fall in love with a gloss that‘s $40, buy the lip gloss and treat yourself.
  65. To reduce unwanted shine, use a moisturizer that mattifies your face, that way you get the moisture your skin needs without looking greasy.
  66. Use a clarifying shampoo once a week to get rid of any product build-up that may have occurred during the week.
  67. Use a pumice stone on your feet after you shower to keep your feet baby smooth.
  68. Hydrate your under-eye area with an eye cream to prevent puffiness and bags.
  69. If you often find yourself being too tired to wash your face at night, keep makeup removing wipes in your night stand to prevent a runny mess or morning break out.
  70. The best way to get rid of ingrown hairs is to exfoliate, which rids the skin of dead cells and allows the hair to break through the surface.
  71. To keep hair color vibrant longer, use shampoos and conditioners formulated for colored hair.
  72. Drink plenty of water daily.
  73. Bronze all over for a natural glow.
  74. Protect your skin from the sun everyday.
  75. Be yourself and enjoy your life!


